Movie Reviews James Gandolfini | Aflixionado
Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: James Gandolfini

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The Drop (2014)

Spoiler Scale (How spoilery is this article on a scale of 1 to 10?):  3    Sometimes we cannot save ourselves.  We are not worthy of confession, communion, or redemption.  And perhaps the best we can muster from the core of our remaining humanity is to save an abused puppy left in a garbage can for dead. Well, that seems ... Read More »

Killing Them Softly (2012)

Spoiler Scale (How spoilery is this article on a scale of 1 to 10)?  4 From the very first shot to the very last line of Killing Them Softly, writer/director Andrew Dominik (The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)) paints a very bleak picture of the United States of America.  “Bleak” might be too weak a word.  “Cynicism” might be a ... Read More »

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